Saturday, August 11, 2012

I'm Kinda Famous. If Only By Association.

So earlier this week I was killing some time on Twitter after a VERY long hiatus and I noticed that Kristen Bauer van Straten (you may know her as Pam from True Blood) had posted about her 'Out For Africa' documentary and how she was using KickStarter to fund it. I clicked over and watched the video (warning animal lovers: tearjerker) and decided to pledge. School starts in 2 weeks for me and I have to make my down payment (read: half) before then so I was only planning on pledging $15. Tonight, after I made my donation through KickStarter, Jim Parrack (Hoyt on True Blood) had just posted a Tweet. Feeling kinda lucky, I shot out a Tweet to him to see if he would RT it. I said I would double my pledge. Well don't ya know, he did JUST that! And who says famous actors don't care? Seriously, love this man. Seriously.

And so, the proof is in the pudding.

*And I'm still grinning like an idiot*

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