Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mini Album #1: Cape Cod In July

Mom and I went home to Cape Cod in July to see the family (both of us) and to hang out with friends, drink and just be up to the usual shenanigans (me). I knew I wanted to make a mini album of this trip so I brought along a freezer size Ziploc bag and stored all of the stuff I picked up in it. (Receipts, business cards, paper coffee cozies, hotel room cards, etc)

Here is the bare bones of the album. I still have to print all my photos, insert a few more items from my trip and do my journaling. I've been trying to get this posted for a week or so but Blogger is being a douche (sorry, mom) and keep changing my photos to portrait instead of landscape. Anyone know how to change this?

I signed up for Shutterfly and have 50 free prints waiting for me so once those arrive in the mail, I'll get to work and take all new photos of everything. And perhaps Blogger won't be so... well, you know.

(A complete list of materials used will be added to the final post.)

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