Sunday, August 5, 2012

Blogs of Note

Finding new blogs makes me happy. And you can NEVER have enough happy.

Source: via Brandie on Pinterest

I love it when I stumble across new blogs via ones that I already visit. Ones that inspire me. Blogs that light a fire under my ass. Ones that make me want to run into my studio and immediately pull out my paper, scissors and trusty glue stick and start creating. Blogs that make me say, "Girl, I SO get what you're going through right now."

Source: via Silvia on Pinterest

Ali has been one of my constant reads for quite a few years now. I don't always comment on her blog, I'm more of a silent observer. I love Jamaica Makes but she doesn't update that often and I always end up missing her posts about her Etsy listings. I want one of those Duly Noted packs, damn it! Kelly's blog was discovered late last year while Googling scrapbook layouts, this one specifically. I ended up working the overnight last night and literally spent the entire 8 hours reading every post. What? She's got some great layouts! I also just found (literally, like 30 minutes ago) Ann-Marie Loves Paper. I'll continue to stalk her blog tonight. Yep, another third shift for me. I have many more blogs that are on my 'Read' list, but I'll save those for another day. Until then, Go! Go off and peruse new blogs!
What are some of your favorites reads?

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