Sunday, August 19, 2012

Plans... aka How My Weekend Went To Shit

{Clockwise from top left: Vacation Mini Album; Squares Quilt Using Amy Butler Fabrics; Halloween Paper for the DIY Scrapbook Paper Ribbon Embellishments; A Rare Sighting of The Key Fobs}

Plans. Funny thing about plans, is that they don't always work out the way you want them to. Take this weekend for example. I was supposed to go to Louisville for our 15-year "non-reunion" reunion that I organized. Guess who didn't make it? Yep. THE ONE WHO ORGANIZED THE WHOLE THING. #EpicFail


I had also planned on photographing my 200+ key fobs so I could start listing them on Etsy. Guess who didn't take any photos cause the lighting was crap? Yep. You guessed it again. Really, Tennessee? Can't we just have one whole week of crap weather instead of this shiny, happy BS we've been having lately? I'm not asking for much here!

I actually didn't really do much of anything this weekend. Slept until almost noon yesterday (In my defense, I did finally organize some of my room) Mom and Bill ended up taking me out to dinner at Olive Garden where I had too much wine and not enough bread sticks. Walking around Hobby Lobby slightly inebriated was kinda fun. And I did manage to score a bunch of ribbon for 50% off so one point for Jen. 

Around 10pm last night I finally hit my second wind (I think the wine wore off) and ended up staying up WAY too late. I did plan out some blog posts and figure out what to do about the DIY posts. So, another point for me. 

Slept in again this morning (although not as late as yesterday) Did I mention I bought a new laptop? And that said laptop has games on it? And those said games may or may not be hidden object games? Guess where most of my day went today? Wow, I sound like such a slacker.

But WAIT! I DID go through my crafting supplies so I could bring you DIY posts like:

{Paper Ribbon Embellishments}
{Paper Beads}
{Sequined Ornaments}
{Yearly Card Album}
{Glittery Chevron Photo Frame}
{Salt & Sugar Body Scrubs}
{DIY Washi Tape}
{Cork Inspiration Boards}
{Squares Quilt}
{Vacation Mini Album}

So THERE plans! In your face!

Also, True Blood comes on tonight. And I won't be missing that.

Plans: 2     Jen: like 4 or something

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