Tuesday, August 14, 2012

William Tell's Never Miss Apple Cake

Today was recipe #1/20 for the Pinterest Foodie Challenge (PFC). I decided on William Tell's Never Miss Apple Cake. You can find the original recipe here
The first thing you must know, is that I'm not too keen on baking. All the precise measuring, exact temperatures... yeah, not really my thing. If I can throw a little of this and a little of that together, I'm golden! Baking, not so much. However, I must say that this was a very easy recipe to follow. It was also the very first cake I've ever made from scratch. Huzzah! 

It's flavorful and moist and oh so delicious. Everyone at work was very pleased with the outcome. At first I was a little hesitant about the brown sugar glaze but after a few forkfuls, I was hooked. This recipe is definitely going in my 'make again' pile!

* Apologies for the blurry second photo. I was trying to snap a quick pic of the inside before it was all gone!*

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