Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I Miss September

Growing up in New England and now living in Tennessee, makes me feel kinda cheated when it comes to Autumn. I LIVE for sweatshirt weather. Where are the cool, crisp mornings? Not here, that's for damn sure! Although I checked the weather and the low on Sunday is supposed to be 39. Now that's what I'm talking about. It's kinda hard to enjoy Pumpkin Spice lattes when it's 80 degrees out. 

I miss the color change. All the reds and oranges and yellows. Fall in New England is almost too beautiful to look at. Here, it's green-yellow-brown-dead. 

I miss jumping around in a pile of leaves and taking walks through the woods. They have that lovely damp earthy smell. 

I miss hot chocolate and hot apple cider. The crock pots come out of hiding and it's all soups and stews. Chicken pot pie and cobblers.

I miss apple picking and bonfires. Mittens and thick socks.

I miss it all.

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