Thursday, September 27, 2012

Right Here. Right Now.

Struggling to manage my home/work/school life. It's super stressful right now but I know it'll be worth it in the end.

Excited beyond words that Grey's season premiere is on tonight. Even if I have to DVR it cause I'll be at work.

Listening to Dan Auerbach's 'Keep It Hid'. It's actually on repeat.

Sewing a boatload of key fobs for a wholesale order. Yay, sales!

Counting down the days to The Color Run in Memphis. A bunch of girls and I are going from work and I am so, so glad to be a part of this.

Missing New England this time of year. Terribly.

Curing myself of my almost-daily peppermint mocha addiction.

Trying to decide on the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, or the Samsung Galaxy S3. I've got the iPhone 4 now but the screen is shattered. Decisions, decisions.

Realizing that a year ago today I was flying home from my summer in Alaska.

Designing a new blog layout.

Watching little miss Bella grow from a shy little puppy into one who's gonna give Sophie a run for her money.

Piecing together Mom's triangle quilt.

Flipping through Hancock's of Paducah's catalog, wishing I owned a fabric store.

Planning a 7-night Western Caribbean cruise in January. Or trying to anyways.

Waiting for my Shutterfly photos and my Alaska Instagram Blurb book to arrive in the mail. Not so patiently, I might add.

Drinking copious amounts of Oregon Chai tea. Iced, please.

Checking off goals from my 101 Project.

Participating in PostCrossing.

Discovering lovely new blogs that inspire me.

Writing and scheduling some blog posts ahead of time to help me with my time management stuff.

Thinking about handcrafting some Christmas gifts for friends this year.

Watching a friend's house being built via photo text messages.

Reading 'The Toss of A Lemon' by Padma Viswanathan.

Making lists. Lists on top of lists.

Joining other bloggers today (Ali Edwards and Elise Blaha to name a few) and sharing my 'right now' story.

1 comment:

  1. Good list. I want to join a postcrossing group too, this one sounds fun!
    best wishes
