Friday, August 10, 2012

The 101 Project

It's that time again to get started on the 101 Project! For those of you who havent experienced it yet, the 101 Project is essentially a list of 101 things you want to accomplish/experience/create/etc in the next 1001 days. Yep, almost 3 years to get them done. I try to make realistic goals but if I don't get them done in the time allotted, no worries! I'll add them to the next 101 Project. Here's the breakdown:

The Mission:

Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:

Tasks must be specific (ie, no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Some common goal setting tips:
1. Be decisive. Know exactly what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it.
2. Stay Focused. Any goal requires sustained focus from beginning to end. Constantly evaluate your progress.
3. Welcome Failure. Frequently, very little is learned from a venture that did not experience failure in some form. Failure presents the opportunity to learn and makes the success more worthy.
4. Write down your goals. It clarifies your thinking and reinforces your commitment.
5. Keep your goals in sight. Review them frequently, and ensure that they are always at the forefront of your thinking.

Start Date: Friday, August 10, 2012
End Date: Friday, May 8, 2015
Last Update: Monday, September 24, 2012

Goals completed: (6/101)

I'm using Day Zero to help me keep track of my accomplished goals.

You Can Do It!
1. Complete the EMT program
2. Complete the Paramedic program
3. Get CPR Certified
4. Run a half-marathon
5. Complete a Sudoku book
6. Vote!
7. Influence a person to make a 101 list
8. Write an inspiring message in a public bathroom
9. Run 1 mile a day from Thanksgiving to New Years.
10. Put away $5 for each task completed ($30/$505)
11. Send 10 postcards via PostCrossing (11/10)
12. Wear a skirt or dress every day for a week
13. List 500 items in my Etsy shop (17/500)

Have Love, Will Travel
14. Go camping... anywhere
15. Visit Stephanie in Montana
16. Seattle!
17. Thunder Over Louisville
18. Rolex 3 Day Event in Lexington, KY
19. Memphis Zoo
20. Atlanta Aquarium
21. New Orleans
22. Times Square for New Year's Eve
23. Move to another city
24. Visit the Hoh Rain forest in Washington
25. Go to the Harry Potter theme park

I Can Make That
26. The 365 Project... using Instgram photos (see post) (51/365)
27. December Daily (Seriously, just do it.)
28. One (completed) layout each month (0/24)
29. Finish 3 quilts (0/3)
30. Make 10 mini albums (0/10)
31. Crochet 1 afghan (0/1)
32. Design a rubber stamp set and have them made
33. Design the rest of my tattoo sleeve
34. Rent a booth at the Reelfoot Arts & Crafts Festival next year
35. Post 20 DIY tutorials (0/20)
36. Take a photo of the same place every month for a whole year (0/12)
37. Make a custom recipe book
38. Make a video about a typical day of my life
39. Blog makeover!
40. Make a piece of clothing for myself. And actually wear it.
41. Finish my 'Wreck This Journal'

Eat, Watch, Read & Be Happy
42. Watch 101 movies (see post) (5/101)
43. Read 101 books (see post) (0/101)
44. Complete the 2012 Pinterest Foodie Challenge (4/20)
45. Visit 10 new restaurants (1/10)
8/11/12 - Backyard Burgers - Paducah, KY
46. Eddie Izzard's Force Majeure!
47. Go see a new movie at least once every two months (0/17)
48. Collect a post card from each country (1/196)
49. Go see a movie at IMAX
50. Try 3 new drinks from Starbucks (1/3)
8/11/12 - Iced Coconut Mocha
51. Have one whole day of Harry Potter movies, back to back.
52. Don't eat for 24 hours
53. Participate in an mp3 mega mix swap

Retail Therapy
54. DSLR (Yes, please!)
55. New laptop!
8/11/12 - HP Pavilion g Series
56. Assassin's Creed 3
57. Tattoo sleeve
58. A good pair of headphones

60. Have my fortune read
61. Go for a spa treatment
62. Have my make-up done at the MAC counter
63. Do the polar bear swim on New Year's Day
64. Visit 5 museums
65. Attend a baseball game at Fenway
66. Attend a costume party
67. Go snorkeling/scuba diving
68. Swim in the ocean at night
69. Learn how to play a song on the piano
70. Go to 3 concerts
71. Send a secret to PostSecret
72. Tour a scotch distillery
73. Take pictures in a photo booth
74. Go to a chiropractor
75. Swim with the sharkies
76. Go to a winery. And get inebriated
77. Get a professional bra fitting
78. Ride a train somewhere
79. Stay at a 5-star hotel
80. Participate in a flash mob

81. Make a list of my top 50 movies
82. Make a list of my top 50 most favorite quotes
83. Make a list of the 100 songs I could listen to forever
84. Organize my music collection
85. Don't go on Facebook for a week
86. Pay off my credit card debt
87. Clean out my closet
88. Turn off my phone for 24 hours
89. Make an emergency kit for my car
90. Go electronic free for a whole weekend (no cell, internet or tv)

Giving Back
91. Donate blood twice a year (0/8)
92. Register as an organ donor
93. Take 500 photos for Find A Grave (0/500)
94. The Color Run (proceeds go to a local charity)
95. The Warrior Dash (proceeds go to St. Jude's)
96. Donate 5 books to the local library (9/5)
97. Find out my blood type
98. Wear a 'Free Hugs' sign in a crowded place. Give out hugs.
99. Give a 100% tip

And then...
100. Blog about each goal completion (0/101)
101. Complete a whole new 101 project with any leftover goals not accomplished

Somehow I have 102 (I screwed up somewhere!) It's probably a duplicate, but I'll search for it later. (Found it.) I've spent the past week making this list and I want to get it live. 

I encourage everyone to at least try this once in their lifetime. If you'd like to try it along with me, post the link to your list or blog post about it in the comment section.

Good luck to all!

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